Thursday, August 21, 2008

And the countdown begins...

We went to the boys' preschool last night to meet their teachers. We were surprised to find out that they have been placed in the same class. When we registered we were told they do not like to do that with twins and asked if we minded them being separated. So, after prepping them all summer long about being in different classes it turns out it won't be an issue. We were pretty relieved. The only thing on the supply list was a backpack for each child. We let the boys pick them out. I think Isaac has a thing for The Hulk and Taylor for Spider-man. They wanted to show their grandma's and grandpa's their new packs.

(They wanted to go to school dressed like pirates)


Natalie said...

You're babies are going to school?! Wow. What are you going to do with yourself at home?

Cathy said...

I had a tough time telling the boys apart in the first picture..Luckily I knew which backpack went with which boy!! One more day of work and then I will be there on Sunday!! Wahoo..I can't wait!

Tiffany said...

Soooo cute. Why not let them go to school as pirates? This is the age where that is still totally o.k. I used to let Jon wear his pirate hat to preschool. He once spent three hours straight with his hook. Those backpacks are great. They look so big on Taylor and Isaac.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Already going into preschool!!
Nice backpacks, have fun, Isaac and Taylor:)!!

Amy said...

what fun! the back pack purchase is the most important one!

Chan said...

They are so cute! I hope they enjoy preschool as much as you will enjoy them being in preschool! Good luck boys and have fun.