Monday, May 17, 2010

My first 5K

Thanks for everyone who came out to watch! Just a few months and hopefully I can add a half marathon to this list.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Trout, Cookies & a Cupcake!

The boys went on a field trip today to a local fish farm! It was the cutest little place & the kids had a total blast. The only downfall was the weather. It rained the entire time..not SPRINKLED but POURED. It was so wet, so cold & it made for a bunch of sad little kids towards the end. We were there for roughly 3 hours. Each kid got to catch a fish, eat & play bingo. Even though all of the kids were frozen by the time they loaded the bus, they still talked about how much fun they had fishing.

This bottom one cracks me kids are really in the picture, I promise. See if you can find them! It took me a minute!

After the field trip the boys got to go back to school and celebrate their birthday a month early. They took cupcakes & cookies for their treat. They had so much fun & it was great to see how good they were at saying "your welcome" and how they wanted to give Mrs. Hepner her treats first. Adorable. I can't believe in one month they will be six!

(He is so much like his dad)

Monday, May 3, 2010

It is Time

I have been SLACKING on my training for the half marathon I plan on running in October. So..I started again today. I just ran 3 miles & it kicked my booty! I think I may try to keep track of everything on here. Maybe with me doing so, I know I can't slack because some of you may keep me on my toes!

The plan for this 3 miles 5 times. :)