Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Boys!

I am so behind in events that I want to blog about, but I will start with this one first. Our boys turn 4 today. I am so excited to see what this next year brings with them. They are so much fun and they always keep me laughing! Because their birthday is in the middle of the week, we opted to have their party this past Saturday. We had a lot of good friends and family help us celebrate with a pirate themed party. This was by far my favorite party we have thrown for them. Not because of the theme, but because this is the first year that they actually understood it was their birthday. I was also very excited that I didn't have to open their presents for them..they did it themselves! Bonus for me.

I can not decide which pictures to post as I like most of them that were taken, so I will post all of my favorites.

The Cake..I'm sure you figured that out though. The coolest part about this cake was it is actually made of cupcakes..

The boys and their friends (Jacob, Kian, Isaac & Taylor) eating pizza

Part of the Loot..this was meant to be a pirate earing, not nose ring. It sure made me laugh, though.

I love this picture.

We were originally planning on tying this to a tree, but because it was too cold outside we had to improvise to make it work inside. I wish I would have gotten a picture of the contraption Tony made in order to get this to hang. We had a paint roller extension (another blog to be posted later) sitting in the front room. He added the roller plus 5 or 6 climbing carabineers just to get it to hang. I'm sure there was something a bit less complicated as this, but it worked out great. It didn't hurt that the boys happen to have a very tall grandpa who was nice enough to hold the stick for the 10 minutes or so it took it to break.

I love this age. I really thought that all of the boys would be fighting over who got all of the candy. There was actually some left on the floor. The boys each took a handful, put it in their bags and more less walked away.

The boys were super spoiled this year by everyone. They had so much fun opening their presents and are having even more fun trashing my house with all of them! One of the boys, Kian, actually picked up the wrapping paper and threw it away after each present was opened. It was super helpful for me and a lot of fun for him because he was helping.

This bag was HUGE. There was a present stuck at the bottom..I was actually waiting for him to dive in, but this worked too!

Taylor trying his new skates.

Isaac trying his new scooter

The boys asked if they could let some of their balloons go so Grandpa Mike could have them. I thought that was very cool and they loved watching them float up. They sure miss their Grandpa Mike!

About 35 minutes after letting the balloons go, this is what we saw out of our front door. There was actually a third one but I couldn't get the camera to pick it up as it was very faint. I have never seen a triple rainbow before. What a way to end the boys' party.

Wow, this really is a long blog. Here are a few last pictures I wanted to post. The first ones are of the boys when they were 6 days old. I can't believe how tiny they were!

Isaac. Look how tiny his little head is next to the nurses fingers!


And of me. I was flipping through some of my old pictures and found this. I can't believe that 4 years ago today I looked like this!

Ok, I am done now. Sorry for the long blog!


jenn said...

Happy Birthday to Isaac and Taylor!! It looks like they had a fun-filled day!

carol said...

SHEA! I had all these fun things to say about how cute your boys are and how fun their party looked...and then I saw that picture of you and I completely lost my train of thought! I am sure it is nice to be back to your normal tiny and darling self!

Cathy said...

The boys birthday party was so much fun! Doug and I had a great time. I can't believe they are now 4! Sometimes it just seems like yesterday that you were having your own little birthday parties. I love all the pictures, but the one of you at the end still blows me away! You always had a smile on your face amaze me! Love you, Mom

Tiffany said...

This is the first time Trent saw how pregnant you got. He was speechless. I second what your mom said. You were always SOOOOOOO great about everything. A very happy 4th to my adorable nephews. We miss them. It is nice to share some of the events this way.

Tricia said...

Happy Birthday Taylor & Isaac!! Wouldn't you agree that being pregnant with twins was the hardest part of all?! I would know!!! How you'd have that smile on your face is beyond me! We had a fun time at the party.... see you guys soon!

Erica said...

I am in awe of how big our kids are getting. We did the girls party yesterday (10th) for their 7th & 5th birthdays! Where has the past several years gone! I can't believe how much the boys have grown and that last picture is the first time I have ever seen you that big! I thought you were getting there when you left work, but little did I know! You're such a trooper and obviously the end result was well worth it! **HUGS**

M and M said...

In the pizza eating picture, Isaac had a look that reminded Muriel and I of the look Tony used to give when he was getting his picture taken. That was really cool on the timing of the triple rainbow, maybe your dad delivering a message, that he is watching.

Anonymous said...

Wow - it seems i certainly missed a good time. Happy bday boys.. i miss ya and hope to see ya soo. Uncle Shorty loves ya. :)
ooh and hello to you and tony too i guess. haha.. j/k miss you both as well. yes even tony and his smart a$$ self. :)

Erika Kiel said...

Sounds like a fun party! Where did you get the idea to do the cupcake cake? It's a great idea!

Shea said...

Erika..I just told them I needed to do a few extra cupcakes for the little kids and the baker asked if I just wanted to make the whole cake out of cupcakes instead. I decided to go for it..I was having a hard time picturing it but after I saw it I was excited! It turned out great.

Danielle said...

Oh my 4 years?!! I remember you comin in for your were the best patient!
Happy Birthday to those cute cute boys!! Time for another one?? or 2? haha