Sunday, June 15, 2008

What a Day!

Being both Father's Day and our 6 year anniversary we knew it would be a crazy day! We started out the day with a trip to the local outdoor pool. We had a great time watching the boys play and jump in the water! We were only able to stay for a few hours as we were invited to a BBQ that started at 2.

We arrived home just in time to shower and head over to the BBQ. Tony was driving so I started to nod off on the drive over. Much to my surprise a bottle of water fell out of the cup holder sitting next to me and spilled all over my seat and my pants! can laugh. It was bum was soaking wet! Ok, on to the BBQ. My friend Lacie had a spectacular feast awaiting us when we arrived. Tri-tip and BBQ ribs with tons of side dishes. She is a wonderful cook and I am so glad she invited us over to help celebrate Father's Day. Thank you Lacie!

We actually celebrated our Anniversary a few weeks ago with The Pie pizza (any of you ever been there?) and then we saw Indiana Jones. It was a fabulous night! We did however cut some beautiful roses from our plant outside as a gift to each other today.

Happy Anniversary baby..I love you!


Tiffany said...

Glad you guys had a great anniversary. When you mentioned falling asleep in the car, I thought you might say you got in a wreck. Thank goodness that wasn't the case. I won't laugh about the bottle of water, because something similar happened to me the day we took Sami for her final check after her cast came off, and I had to walk around the hospital looking like I had wet my pants. Not fun. Happy anniversary again and happy father's day to Goober.

M and M said...

Forgot to wish the two of you happy anniversary on the phone last night! I had a moment of forgetfulness even though it was on my calendar. In any case, Happy belated Anniversary!

btw, how are they coming along on the car?

Shea said...

Thank you! I actually called them this morning and I guess it is all put together now so we can pick it up finally!

Ry and Xaine said...

Sorry you two.. Happy belated anniversary... 6 years.. wow..sure lasted longer then mine.. LOL :) You two truly are just perfect together.