Monday, March 31, 2008

Today is The Day today is a day I have been dreading for two weeks. The boys are going to the dentist to get their cavities fixed. Normally it wouldn't be that big of deal, but when it is your is kind of scary!

What is the damage?
Taylor - 6 cavities
Isaac - 1 cavity

It makes me sad that they have them so young, but their teeth are so soft! They will be filling all of them is hoping the kids will do OK! I will post later with a follow up.

Update of the Aftermath

The drugs that the boys took are controlled substances that required me to show my ID to prove I was old enough, I guess, to purchase them. That really does not make a lot of sense to me considering they are not for me, but I played along because I didn't have a choice. It was interesting seeing the medications kick in. We were at Tony's work when we gave the boys' the medication, because Tony works close to the dentist and there was a specific timeline we had to bad the dentist didn't follow quite the same strict schedule! We were walking out to get in the car when it hit Taylor. He made it about 10 of his steps, then fell forward onto the floor. From then on it was like watching someone that is really drunk trying to talk and walk. Not that I ever want to see my kids' drunk, but it was a preview. Since I knew it was because of the drugs from the dentist, it was actually quite comical to watch!

Taylor did really well considering he had six caveties to be filled.
He was completely, or at least mostly, still for the drilling of all of them and the filling of half of them. It was the actual filling of the second half that he finally decided he had had enough of the dentist. It was at that point that myself, the dental assistant, and the receptionist had to hold him down and in place so that the dentist could fill the holes he had already drilled in Taylor's teeth. This, unlike watching them "drunk" was NOT fun in the least bit! He can be quite strong when he wants to be!

While Taylor was getting drilled on, Isaac was finally giving in to the medication.
By the time it was his turn, he had been asleep snoring for a good 20 minutes. He did great, but only had one cavity to be filled so his ordeal was not nearly as bad as Taylor's was. After about 90 minutes we were out of the office and on the way home...after dropping Tony off at work. The boys slept all the way home, and continued to sleep once I got them home until about 6:00. Just for reference, we left the dentist around 3:30...that's a really long nap for them. By the time they woke up it seemed that the majority of the narcotic had worn off, and they were their cute selves again. It is now time to triple our efforts to keep their teeth clean and protected so that we don't have to go through that least not until they are old enough to hate the dentist like a normal kid!


M and M said...

Wow what an ordeal! Hope they are back to normal today. At least these are baby teeth. Maybe you can develop some good habits for them that will keep them from having the same problems when they get their permanent teeth. Do you have fluoride in your water? If not you may want to ask your dentist about fluoride supplements.

Tricia said...

I'm glad it all turned out okay! I know you were anxious about it. Now if they could just allow that medication for airplane trips..... ;)

mode36 said...

Nope, no fluoride in the water in Weber County.  We have a prescription for fluoride from their dentist for them, though.  Now we just need to get them drinking more water and less juice and we will be on the right road.