The boys had their tonsils & adenoids taken out this morning and everything went well! I'm so glad that part is over with. They are both happy & playing right now. I'm hoping that in a bit I can squeeze a nap out of them! I'm beat :)

Isaac before surgery..
Taylor before surgery...he looks so sad here. He wanted to know where Isaac was. Isaac was first.
Isaac before surgery..
Taylor before surgery...he looks so sad here. He wanted to know where Isaac was. Isaac was first.
Glad the boys are doing good!! Now bring on the cool soothing drinks/ice cream!!
Love You all!! :)
Oh...poor guys!!! I hope they recover quickly!! Is that at the DAvis surgical center? If so, that is where my kids had their surgeries too. lol Good luck! Let me know if you need anything!
glad all is well. give my love to the boys.. :) take care.. let me know if ya'll need any thing
Aww..those pictures broke my heart! I am so glad they got their package today! Give them lots of hugs and kisses from their Grandma Cathy and Grandpa Doug! xoxoxox
So glad everything went well. Thanks for the update. Give them our love...
im so glad they are recovering well yeah those pics looked so sad... tell them i love them and hope to see them soon. give them a big hug from uncle scott.. love you guys
Hope they are feeling good and make it through this like the champs they are! It is never easy to see your kids like that. Good luck to you and Tony.
you guys are troopers, kind of funny because I did the same thing last august. Addison got her tonsils out on the 3rd floor and Scott was having sinus sugery on the 2nd floor the same day . I figured if I was going to take that much time off work we better make it worth it :) good luck they will do great.
Thanks for the update! That pic of Taylor wondering about Isaac is so sweet. I hope that they get feeling better soon! I love your hair in your pics, by the way.
Those pictures are so sad :( and you and Tony looked as sad as the boys did. Glad everything went well and we hope the boys bounce back quickly! Hope you stocked up on icecream!
We should compare photos of tonsil day and see who cries first! They looked so sad! I won't be coming this weekend but still debating about next. Hope all goes smoothly for the rest of recovery! Love you!
Poor boys! The pictures are so sad! I'm glad to hear they are both feeing better!
I am so happy the surgery went well! Good luck with the next week. Ryker is finally starting to get back to his normal self after a week and a half. I was telling Tony the other day that I think the worst part of the whole surgery was Ryker's breath! Being pregnant, it was almost gag inducing sometimes! :)
So I'm a little behind, but i'm glad that everything went well. Hope they're getting back to normal. **hugs**
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