Saturday, February 7, 2009

Husband Tag

Ali has tagged me :)

Where did you meet?
Mmm..there is a long story here, but in short..we met through Prodigy (internet)

How long did you date before getting married?
Good question! I'm not honestly sure..probably seriously dated for 1 year before getting engaged

How long have you been married?
Seven awesome years this June!

What is your favorite feature of his?
His eyes. I was hoping the boys would end up with his color, but it didn't turn out that way. He has the most gorgeous hazel/golden eyes

What is your favorite quality of his?
How he makes me laugh on a daily basis. Sometimes it is with bodily noises, but it makes me laugh non the less :)

Does he have a nick name for you?
This will sound horrible to most of you, but I promise it isn't meant the way it sounds! He calls me Chubbers

What is his favorite color?
Red...I used to hate this color and now I love it. Funny how that works!

What is his favorite food?
Honestly..he has so many foods he loves. I would have to say Pizza..I'm sure he will correct me if I am wrong :)

What is his favorite sport?
I would have to say soccer

When and where was your first kiss?
Wow...Ok. It was the first day we met in person (which was probably 3 months or so after we first met on Prodigy) He drove up to Idaho Falls to meet me. I wanted to show him where a few of my friends lived (Amy..this was on the way past your house, actually). We were driving up the hill and before it comes to a dead end we stopped the car. He put in the song With or Without You by U2. We danced for a bit and then kissed. I will never forget that...

What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
Um...pretty much anything. Recently it is playing each other Mario Kart on the Wii. Yeah..he can kick my booty!

Do you have any children?
I'm going to guess you all know the answer to this question.

Does he have a hidden talent?
Well..he can cross stitch. He even taught me..

How old is he?

Who said I love you first?
I should know this, I'm the girl. I have no idea..

What is his favorite type of music?
He loves the 80's...Depeche Mode is one of his favorites

What do you admire most about him?
How smart he is..really. I wish I could retain information like him. He is like a big Jimmy Neutron

Thanks Ali for the tag!

I'm not going to tag anyone..but if you want feel free to go for it!


Anonymous said...

Um.. well.. No Husband or desire for one on this side for that I'll be passing on the open offer of this tag.. LOL.. But I'll say this was a cute and mushy blog :) you Both are just so good for one another.. Love and miss you all...

~Ali~ said...

Good guys are so cute!!! I loved reading about your beginnings!

Amy said...

u went PARKING the first time you met? Was this on the way to my house? Silly kids. That was fun, thanks and I may just get bold enough to do it myself :)

Shorty said...

lol oh gawd, get a room! haha.. jk. you guys are so damn cute, i can only hope to find the kind of relationship you two have. love you both lotz.. give the boys a hug for me.. miss you all.

carol said...

Ah, hearing about your first kiss still stands out as one of my favorite highschool moments. Does that make me pathetic? I hope not. It was just so romantic. We were all gathered around drooling over the details. ah, good times. I loved reading more about your life now, it's been a while since the good ole days. :)

Tony and Amanda said...

So about Tony's hidden talent, Cross stitching!!!! I am still waiting on my chritmas present from two or three years ago. It has been so long I can't even remember. I want to know how it's going????? I am still waiting for it Tony.

Tony and Amanda said...

I just read my comment and realized I spelled Christmas wrong. My bad.

Shea said...

Yeah, keep waiting!