Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hi Ho...Hi Ho...

Yes, it is that time in our boys' lives where we pack them up and ship them off to be edumukated...hopefully it works better for them than it did for their dad! The day started off like any other day...for Taylor that is. Isaac was excited and ready to go from the moment his feet hit the floor this morning. In fact, this is the first morning in quite a while that we didn't have to fight with him to eat his breakfast. I would say it was the first morning that I could remember not fighting him, but since I barely remember yesterday morning that's not saying quite as much.

Taylor was quite a bit slower to get going, but with persistence and A LOT of hounding him he finally managed to finish his breakfast and get dressed. We let the boys pick out their clothes for their first day of pre-school. I think they both picked out great outfits. I'm sure there wasn't a single four year old there that wasn't madly in love with my two handsome guys!

8:30 rolled around and we put the boys into the car. We figured that would put us there plenty early to get them in and settled...boy were we wrong! They start school at 8:45. We got there around 8:40, horrible morning commuter traffic, only to find that we were not even close to early enough. It was definitely the first day of school, though. As we drove into the parking lot we passed a mom that was wiping the tears away as she was driving out...what a wuss!

We got the boys out of the car and stood in the line that was already formed outside. We patiently waited our turn to get the name tags that PIN onto our boys. I am not sure who thought it a good idea to hand a bunch of four year olds straight pins, but I guess we weren't going to be there to deal with the blood bath, so what the heck! Taylor immediately wanted to take his off. We had to explain to him that, since he has a twin his teacher REALLY needed those name least until she figured out who was wearing what.

Unfortunately we didn't get much time with the boys before we had to leave and they had to go to class...they are growing up so fast! We took a few last pictures, told them we loved them, and walked out the door. It was a strange feeling leaving our boys for the first time with people we had barely met. I'm sure we will get to the point where we are excited to do it, but we definitely are not there yet...and yes, both of us teared up just a bit walking away!

Picking the boys up was quite fun. The school makes the parents line up, and calls the kids out one at a time to go with their parents. It leaves us with a comforting feeling considering how many sick people there are out there! We picked the boys up, heard all about their day, and went to lunch to celebrate! Overall it was a positive day for everyone!

Our handsome boys ready for their first day of school! I thought the timing of getting the school bus in the background although completely accidental was perfect!

Although they are identical, they constantly remind us that they are definitely individuals!

The proud parents with their cute, not so little boys!

The boys at their new school before class started

The boys when we picked them up from their first day at school!

I don't remember school being this tiring, but it must be. Taylor, ever the stuborn one, refused to take a nap. I'm sure mommy loved the cuddle time, though!


Erica said...

They are so damn cute. I hope that they had a blast, just wait until next year when you have to take them 5 days a week. The house will be so quiet you'll have no idea what to do with yourself! (I'm quickly learning, it's a perfect time to catch up on much needed sleep and other little things!)z

Danielle said...

Cute pictures! You look great! I love your hair color! I keep reading about all these first days of school and I am getting nervous for next year (pre-school). We are a little attached to each other!

Tricia said...

Looks like you both held it all together! Congrats! I would have loved to see it -- and they looked so cute!

Anonymous said...

haha damn they are goofy, it looks like they had a blast though. i hope taylor cooperates better in the morning. maybe he will friday when he goes back. well talk to you later guys love you.

Anonymous said...

that last comment was me scott haha.

Cathy said...

Unreal to think they are already in Pre-school. Time does fly by so fast! They look so cute and excited to get going! Can't wait to hear about all the fun things they get to do! Nice Blog Tony! :)

Tiffany said...

No making fun of moms who tear up. I will send you Jack Johnson's We Are Going to Be Friends and see how you do!

Seriously though, they look like they had a great time. So fun! I will add my hope that Taylor has an easier time in the morning but will also point out that I have taken to making muffins etc., because Jon is still slow in the morning particularly about eating breakfast.

Shorty said...

holy crap - they are so cute.. pre school already.. wow.. im sure they had a blast and can't wait to go back...

Doug said...

Pre-school.... I remember when I went to pre-school like 46 years ago. We use to paint the church with buckets of water and paint brushes. There was also a time when I almost got stung by a scorpion.... The boys look so good, so happy and full of fun. I hope they have another fun day on Friday. You two are doing something right when it comes to the boys. Give them a hug for me.

Amy said... sweet! I think school does tire them out...Bracken would still take naps in Kindergarten! I really didn't complain, it gave me extra quite time! They look very handsome.

Ry and Xaine said...

So which one of you was the bigger wuss? Now what are you going to be doing with yourself during the day’s Shea.. more bon bon and soap time  Can’t believe the little oompa’s are in pre-school.. Crazy… Love and miss you all..

Chan said...

And the house fell silent.......Isn't it nice! They look like they loved every minute of it. Now you will have so much time for all you DIY projects you won't know which one to do first! You might have to paint your own nails though....