Friday, March 6, 2009


Alright..we finally broke down and bought a Wii a few weeks ago. It has been so much fun watching the boys play their favorite games. However, I have noticed a trend with both of them. They each have their own special habit they have while playing. I took video as I could not stop laughing once I noticed the following trends..

This is Taylor playing Mario Kart..we asked him why he does this and he says it is because he drools too much while playing. We had to remind him to swallow.

This is Isaac bowling..for some reason he always grabs his head hoping by tilting it in certain directions that the ball will follow.

I'm just glad the boys can't video tape me yet! If they could, you would see me biting my tounge or sticking it out while playing video games :)


Loni said...

I laughed so much, I had to make my husband watch. Cute videos!

Cathy said...

Oh!! This is hilarious! Can't wait to play Wii with them again! Thanks for the laughs this morning!

M and M said...

That was too funny! Need to get Taylor some terry cloth wrist bands to wipe with ;-) Isaac don't let them make fun of you. All good bowlers use body movements of some sort to influence the ball ;-) Let's see videos of the adults playing!

Chan said...

They are precious. Our Wii has become the center of our household. Just wait till the kids start kicking your butt and they can video you crying!

Tiffany said...

I think we are about the only family I know that hasn't bought one yet. The kids love the bowling game. They have played at a friend's house. Trent has played as well. Looks like a lot of fun. I second that I want to see video of you all playing. Do you play the golf? I hear that is fun.

Amy said...

You have to use body language when bowling! I really don't know anyone that doesn't :) I agree on them video taping you...I can remember having a GREAT laugh at my mom when she played Mario on the Nintendo. :)

Shannon, Ray and Hayden said...

ROTFL! They are both too funny! I'm with you Shea - glad no body is video taping me when we play games on our WII

Anonymous said...

Hey you mind me asking how much your trip is costing you? We want to take the kids but I am scared to even try because last year when i looked it was lots of money!