Sunday, April 27, 2008

Week in Review (sort of)

I have been in a "blog block" the last few weeks. I guess call us boring, but I haven't had anything EXCITING happen to us that would be worth blogging about! So, in place of something super exciting I will show you pictures from a few days this week just to fill you in....

The boys love goldfish crackers. In fact, that is all they will eat for snacks lately. Want to know the kicker? They will not eat them unless they have names. So, unfortunately I had to name all of these little fish before the boys would eat them. I never knew how hard it would be to come up with 20 different names for fish!

I tried to get a picture of me and one of the boys (due to the blanket, I have no idea which one), but as you can see..that was not going to happen. Whenever I tried to take the picture he would throw this blanket over his head.

I'm not sure how this ended as I was working, but I thought it was a cool picture!

(I have no pictures for this day, hence the sort of in the title)

We decided to cook dinner on the grill. Taylor decided hot dogs were OK to eat with the bun. It took him about 35 minutes to get this down, but it was sure funny to watch him eat it! Way to big for his little mouth. We ended the night with the movie Juno. Very good movie!

I took my last final for the semester! If I pass, I will be receiving my Associates Degree in May. I can't wait to go back and finish my Bachelors Degree..

I can't believe that I am putting this picture on here. I'm sure most of you will think we are huge slobs! We really aren't..only when it comes to laundry. I am great at washing is the folding part that always makes me lose interest. I washed all of these clothes over the course of the week only to find them in a huge pile on the floor of our bedroom. I always start with a pile of them in front of the TV with good intentions of folding them while watching TV at night. Why I never actually do it is beyond me. Call me lazy I guess?! Anyways..I didn't realize how bad the pile had gotten until I tried to find something earlier today. Is it just me that has a hard time keeping up with folding clean clothes?! Probably....


Natalie said...

If I named the food I was about to eat, I would have a hard time eating it, I think.

Congrats on getting your Associates!! After having just one kid, I can imagine how hard it must be to go back to school after family life gets complicated.

carol said...

I am so relieved that someone out there shares my laundry woes. I always get so mad when I am rooting through baskets of messy clean clothes...why don't I just put them away??? But I never do. We can be lazy together! Cute pictures, I love that you have to name the fish. What we won't do for our kids!

Cathy said...

Cute new page! The blanket over the head picture makes me laugh.As for the laundry? Well...I wish I had the answer! Love you guys.

jenn said...

Ha! I love the naming their goldfish thing. Too cute. As for the laundry, I have no answers either. I think we've all been there. :)

Tiffany said...

My nephews are the cutest! As for having something to blog about. May I suggest my method of saving up stuff and using it later. For example, you could post pictures from Spring Break two weeks after it happened.

Love the train header. Love the one you made me. I need to slow down for a few minutes to reconfigure everything and make it work.

I understand the folding laundry dilemna. That is why I have more than one plastic laundry basket. That way they are ever so slightly less of a mess while waiting for me to get my act together.

Cathy said...

You come by the laundry thing because of genes. Just kidding.

M and M said...

I love the "daily chronicle" approach to the blog post. Without kids at home, our life is a little less interesting. But summer is coming and there will be more soon! Love, Muriel

Jayne Sue said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one whose bedroom looks like the dryer threw up!