Saturday, April 12, 2008

As Isaac would say..This is FREAKING AWESOME!

A few days ago I was running around like a crazy person trying to clean my house and finish up some last minute homework. I think the boys felt ignored, so they decided to drag out their Thomas the Train water mat and color. Normally the end result is a bunch of scribbles and occasionally a circle.

After ten minutes or so Isaac asks me to come look at what he had drawn. I ran over there expecting to take a quick glance and head back to the laundry room. Here is a picture of what I saw!!

Now, I have not sat down with the boys to teach them how to write letters just yet. They are still trying to master the order of the alphabet. I am not sure where this came from, but he kept going!

(In case you can't tell, this is was his version of an I..not bad!)

(May I present the letter B...)

Now, for Taylor. Lately the boys have been really competitive with each other. So when Taylor saw how excited I was about Isaac, he decided to join in. I asked him to write the letter T. Without fail or help...this is what I saw.

(I love this picture...and the T, not bad at all!)


carol said...

WoW! It looks like you have a couple of smarties on your hands, Shea. Great letters and CUTE boys!

Tiffany said...

Yeah. Good job guys. That is freaking awesome.

Danielle said...

I didn't know you worked at the childrens place! I should own stock in that place. I go there lots, and have never seen ya. Do you work just part time?

jenn said...

That is impressive! They are such cute boys, and very intelligent boys too! Oh, and I LOVE your new blog look. :)