Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We just wanted to wish you all a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! We love you all.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I know you are out there..

OK Twilight fans..how many of you have seen the movie?! If you have seen it..what are your thoughts?!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

How About a Hike?

I never thought I would be one who would want to hike through the mountains in November in UTAH. But since the weather has been so nice here we decided to take the boys on their first official hike to Adams Canyon. As you will see in one of the pictures below it was pretty cold once we entered all of the trees. We decided to turn back before it got much cooler. Hopefully we will do this hike again in the Spring :)

See the ice? It was way COLD!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Yia Yia & Papou

We had such an awesome afternoon yesterday with Yia Yia & Papou (Tony's grandparents). They live in Arizona but have been traveling this way to help Cousin Steve rennavate a condo. It is finally done except for a little bit of water damage from the new fridge. I didn't see what this place looked like before, but man..it is BEAUTIFUL!!! I took a few pictures just to give you an idea of what an amazing job they did.

This is the view from the balcony. Yeah..that building with the green roof is Hogle Zoo :)

This is the view from another window.

I LOVE this kitchen..

One of the bathrooms.

The other bathroom.

Thanks Yia Yia & Papou for a fun afternoon and for lunch!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Photo album

Alright..we have been very lazy the last few days so I do not have much to blog about. I did however start looking at some of my older pictures I had on the computer as I had some time to kill this morning. I had forgotten about half of these and looking at them brought back so many memories. I decided to post some of my favorites from the boys' first year. I hope some of them make you smile as they do me :)

Yeah..this is me at 33 weeks (one week before I had the boys) HUGE!

The boys at 6 days old.

Tony holding one of the boys after their feeding in the NICU

This is how the boys usually slept.

Yeah..I look tired.

Chilling on the couch after work.

This one ALWAYS makes me laugh!

I think I should get this one framed..Taylor was so mad!

This was the most annoying toy! Isaac loved to chew on it..I always thought he looked a little CRAZY in this picture.

I remember coming downstairs after changing out the washer and this is what I found.

The boys' first Halloween.

The CHEESY grin..they used to do this all the time.

Official 1 year pictures..

Happy Birthday

I did not realize how many of my friends birthdays were in November until I actually looked at the calendar! Today is Trish's birthday! Happy Birthday cutie! See you on Friday!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my wonderful & fabulous friend Amy. Love you!

For fun

Saturday, November 1, 2008


We have been loving the last few weeks. We have been invited to so many different Halloween activities that by the time Halloween was actually here I think the boys were a little sick of it. They for sure need this weekend to recover from everything! Here is what our TO DO list has looked like for the last little bit of October.

1. Laci's Halloween party for the kids
2. Picking & carving pumpkins
3. Decorated cookies at Grandma Linda's
4. Hallween party at Tony's work
5. Visit family before trick or treating
6. Trick or Treat
7. Hallween party at the Thomason's house

Here are some pictures of the activites listed above. Thank you everyone for including us in your holiday plans. We had a wonderful time! :)

Laci's Party

Picking out pumpkins & carving them

They would not touch the guts without someting coving their hands..Not my idea!

Decorating cookies with Grandma Linda

Party at Tony's work

Visiting family

I decided that we are dorks..we visited family but didn't get any pictures of them. Next time!!!

Party at the Thomason's

Yeah..I know their eyes are red but since they are all dressed up as Star Wars characters I thought it kind of fit..that and I am not sure how to change them back. Like my justification?

*** Updated by Tony who knows how to read the camera manual and can correct red eye ***

Thanks Grandpa Dude for the fence! It looks awesome

And finally...


We hope you all had a fabulous Halloween!