Sunday, April 26, 2009

Disneyland Day 2

On to our second day in Disneyland. This was by far the boys' favorite day out of our entire trip. Why you ask? Well..lets just say they now have the force. If you don't know the boys well you may not understand their love for Star Wars. It just so happens that Disney offers a Jedi Training Academy. It is all based on luck as to whether you are chosen to learn from the Master or if you just get to watch from the sideline. The boys were not chosen the first day which led to tears and two heartbroken boys. However, the second day proved to be better. Once they were chosen we knew that it would be something they would remember forever. They both learned how to correctly fight with a light saber and they both had a turn to fight Darth Vader. Here are pictures of their journey to becoming Padawans, and they have diplomas to prove it.

The Master

Isaac waiting to receive his light saber.

The Master telling a joke only adults would understand about Taylor's height and being able to cut off a certain male part with his light saber. Poor kid had no clue.

Following directions from the Master.

And of course, Darth Vader. The boys to this day still think he was the "real" thing.

Darth Maul (awesome costume..he even scared a few kids)

Taylor was the first to fight Darth Vader.

Isaac was the last to fight Darth Vader (I still wonder how that happened but it was kind of cool)

Finally defeated.

Graduation. I knew our boys were short, but holy cow. No need to point them out, I'm sure you all can figure it out on your own =)

Isaac still thinks he has the force and he tries to use it daily. I love it.

Here are a few other pictures from that day.

Pluto was the only character that we were able to get a picture with. We never saw Captain Hook cousin Jon..we tried!


Taking a break.

That pretty much sums up our trip to Disneyland! I have one more post with some random pictures from Marina Del Rey and Las Vegas. I will post that shortly.


Cathy said...

Those pics are very cool! I can't wait to talk to the boys this coming weekend and hear all about their trip! You all look so happy and looks like vacation agrees with you!! :)

Tiffany said...

That Captain Hook is elusive, but thanks for staying on the look out all the same.

That Jedi training looks so great. I am so impressed that they waited for their turn and did so well. Awesome job guys.

Shorty said...

oh my hell.. truely tonys boys haha.. naah im jealous they got the training.. :) i cant wait to hear the boys tell there story it will be so exciting. :)

Shannon, Ray and Hayden said...

Holy Moly! Darth Mal's costume would have scared me! Looks like the boys had a great time!