Friday, October 3, 2008

A bit overdue..

Tony and I took the boys to the their first circus last Friday. I am honestly not sure I have ever been to a circus myself, so this was new for me also. I wish I could say the boys enjoyed the whole thing, but I don't think they did! We had awesome seats, snow cones & yummy fries. You would think that would more than keep their attention, but ten minutes into the show Isaac wanted to go home and Taylor was all but asleep. Poor kids..once the motorcycles came out they perked up. They LOVED the second half of the circus when the trapeze people and elephants were doing their thing. Overall, we had a nice afternoon just the 4 of us.

The boys before the circus

This was the turning point for the boys..they finally seemed interested

Taylor asked me where Dumbo was

Their costumes where a bit freaky!!!!!!


Tiffany said...

Hey Goob,

"I'm going to the circus! I'm going to the circus!"

"They're making children laugh. They are ruining my circus."

Amy said...

I can't remember the last time I went to the circus either. I'm not sure if my boys would have a great time either. Thank goodness for Motorcycles and elephants! :)

Tiffany said...

Not from the same one, but I love it so.........

"You are the best architect in Alexandria, not that that's saying very much. Your buildings crumble. They are the laughing stock of those who don't live in them."

Ha! I love it.

Mark and Jana said...

I have been to the circus a couple times in my life, but do not remember scary men in spandex pretending to fight!