Wednesday, July 30, 2008


We made a trip to Wal-Mart tonight and bought the boys underoos. They saw a picture of their cousin Jon in them and that was it. We had to have them! Taylor, like Jon is having a hard time understanding that they ARE underwear but hopefully he will get used to them soon. Isaac loves them and I have a feeling he will put up a fight when it is time to take them off.

Thanks Tiff for letting us know that they are back & where to buy them!!!


Doug said...

I see people in thier sleepwear with slippers all the time. Two little boys in thier "Underoos" will probably go without incident. They are darn cute though, could be a problem with the media.

Tiffany said...

Too cute. So fun. I have let Jon go out in his, but I do make him put a pair of shorts over the bottoms. I don't want him getting the idea that he can run around in his underwear.

Cathy said...

Shea, somewhere in my huge box of pictures, I have a picture of you in you purple and green girl Underoos! They were so cute on you and you loved wearing them too..Nothing like a good pair of Underoos to make a kid jump higher and run faster! :)