Thursday, July 17, 2008

My boys

Alright..I promise this will be my last post for today. I just thought this was so funny that I had to share. Here is the conversation between my boys and I when it came to nap time this afternoon.

Mom..OK boys, please go lay down and take a nap
The boys..OK mommy. (5 minutes later they come out to the living room)
Mom..You need to take a nap if you want to go to the park later(yeah, so I bargain sometimes)
The boys..But mommy, we are not tired. Can we please watch Harry Potter.
Mom..You boys are sleepy and you need a nap. But if you will lay down and relax and watch the movie I will be happy.
***so, I laid them on the couch. I proceeded to find the movie and when I returned to the living room to put it in this is what I found.

I love it when I'm right :)


mode36 said...

Sadly they don't see it as you are right because they aren't in their beds taking a nap.  Oh well, hurray for small victories anyway!

Cathy said... heart just melted.

Tiffany said...

Sooooo awesome and so cute at the same time.

Amy said...

I love sleeping babies...3 and 4 year olds are still just as sweet!

Anonymous said...

Adorable, "Sweet Dreams"!!