Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Do You Remember When?

A friend of mine did this on her blog, and I thought that it was fun to think of memories that I have of her, so thought I would share with the rest of you. If you have more than one that you want to share, go right on ahead :)
1. Add a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember! If we're only blogging friends, write about a post that is most memorable.
2. Next, post these instructions on your blog and see how many people have a fun memory of you. It's pretty fun to see the responses.
3. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. :)


Anonymous said...

OK so how long can a comment be. There have been so many great memories over the years hard to pic just one. Shea: you started out as Tony's fictional internet girlfriend, then became a frequent rider in my ford mustang trunk, who can forget your great signature dance moves, when you came out of the closet we were so happy, Amazine Nintendo game player, getting me in trouble for giving you time off work, so many through the years even our most recent knowledge share where I bestowed upon you the insite that us men truly have no clue as to what we did when you women are mad at us (your welcome Tony). Looking forward to many more memories....

Shea said...

LOL totally made me laugh! I miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Tony - Don't have a log of Guy friends (think that Alpha Male thing gets in my way) but you are one of my best buds. I always looked up to you. Hell you won over the woman of my dreams (Um, ya.. I should have just let you keep her.. LOL) Chilling in California, BSing at the gym, freaking that you may be vomiting blood, the Goonies Truffle Shuffle, your assistance in tormenting Shea, your signature dance move, Golfing (have to teach Shorty and I that wiggle)... Truly great memories and many more in the future...

Cathy said...

Obviously I have a million and one memories of you! I have so many favorites..Seeing you for the very first time Novemember 26, 1979 for starters. Finding out you slept in your clothes the night before your first day of school because you were so excited, watching you try on wedding dresses for your wedding, seeing you marry the man of your dreams, hearing your voice on the phone when you told me "Mom we are having Twins"!!! Seeing you hold your babies for the first time in the hospital, I could go on and on but I better leave room for someone eles comment! Thankyou for so many wonderful memories! I love you Shea!

Cathy said...

Tony, the day you came to meet Shea in person and you brought her roses and a basket full of flowers for me was so sweet. I will never forget that day! The list could get very long of favorite memories but here are a few favorite of mine. Seeing you marry Shea and how happy it made all of us! Watching you hold your babies in the hospital, playing with them and changing dirty diapers, listening to you sing lullabys to the boys at night and how sweet that is. You and Shea rescuing me from Kansas! But most of all, giving me so many ( hundreds I bet) of pictures of you and that tongue of yours!! hahahah

Anonymous said...

"Friends make memories...the heart preserves them"
Tony and Shea have been a part of "our family" for a long time! I first met Tony while him and Ryan were in Jr. High School. Tony is always so polite, caring and a true friend. I know Ryan values their friendship, they even shared a "couple" of the same interest(they know what I'm talking about)! Shea was introduced later, as Tony's girlfriend, and she instantly fit into that group of friends! Shea is cute, with a bubbly personality, and has such a warm heart! Finally I met someone shorter then me!! I have memories of their dating, wedding, baby shower, and the blessings of their "little boys". Looking forward to sharing more memorable "family" gatherings!
Love You!

Anonymous said...

oh god where to start.... hmmm - car trunks, signature dance moves, wedding, i think ryan covered most of them. al though i missed some other key moments. - the snap heard around the world by tony, and the goonies truffle thingy. but the shea tormenting.. well i was there for a few.. GOD what would i do with out you two and ryan.. haha.. and now the boys.. all the boys.. its greats.. Thanks for everything guys :)

Doug said...

Okay, I want to know about these signature dance moves and this thing about trunks. Since I am still a rookie to the family, I would say one of my favotites is the way you talk with your boys. It's nothing like the "Other Mothers" I see out there. I am glad you and your mom are so close. I'm trying to think of something about Tony... I'm drawing a blank here... not really. I think I like the way he treats you. That is important to me.

carol said...

Well- I haven't seen you for a long time, but high school has come flooding back while thinking about this. I think of; marching in the 4th parade in our tricked out polo shirts, cruisin' around IF with "how bizarre" blaring (i think we were going to IGA for a donut run or something..), all the student council craziness! All I know about Tony is when you were first starting to date him. You were so excited when he was coming to meet you and take you to prom??? And then after how you told us how perfect it all was (and me jealous as all get out:). So yeah, some of my greatest memories have you in them, Shea! Thanks for the trip to the good ole days!

Tricia said...

Shea & Tony-- Of course Randy & I have SO many great stories... some we can't tell. LOL. But I'll just share one of my favorites... the night before Kian was born and you were only 2 months away from having Taylor & Isaac. We all sat at our house and looked at each other in sheer terror that our lives were about to dramatically change. The fear that we were all to become parents!! AAAAHH!! Shea and I sat on the floor of Kian's nursery and just talked about our excitement and anxiety! It was such a pivotal night in our lives and it was fun sharing it with you guys! It all did change though huh? But, it definitely changed for the better!!!

Shea, thanks for being my dearest friend and thanks for making me drink the "twin water".

I'm sure Randy has very interesting stories about Tony... as do I. But I'll let him post that.

mode36 said...

I'm honestly not sure I want Randy posting stories about me!  Some things should be kept between friends!

Tiffany said...

I am not sure how comfortable I am with anyone refering to The Flake as the girl of their dreams. Just saying.

I have LOTS of Goober stories of course. One I can share is that we used to sleep in one another's room on Christmas Eve when we were little. I would sleep on Tony's floor or he would sleep on mine. That way, we would try and see who could go to sleep fastest (no, our family isn't competitive. What do you mean?) AND we both got up at the same time by default. Pretty cool system huh?

I am trying to remember the first time I met Shea, and I can't. Sad I know. I have lots of fun memories working at Camp Cherry Valley with her and taking off and blowing off some steam from time to time.

Amy said...

you were right what you put on mine, too many memories! Thanks for always being there for me. one that i can't seem to forget...blinker fluid...nuff said there! Taking me out dancing, and turning into mom because you were worried about me, me cleaning out your cupboards...hehehehe good times! I'm glad that I was able to be there when you had the boys...I wouldn't have changed the way things worked out as well, it was more fun to see them and you than go to your baby shower, then I had you all to myslef :)

M and M said...

I know Tony is hoping I wouldn't respond ;-) I won't tell all, but some of the printable memories include. Muriel, Tiffany, Tony and I sitting around the campfire and Tony talking about what a strong foot he had and proceed to break (or try to break) sticks by stomping on them. I know it sounds like it could have been recently but he was only about 4 at the time. Another memory was Tony riding a pony we had bought for Tiffany and Tony when they visit. The pony's named was Jumper. I looked out the window and saw Tony on the horse and heading straight for the rope we used to rope off a section of the pasture. Luckily the rope caught the horn of the saddle and stopped them, without injury to Tony. Many memories of Tony trying to dare me to ride scary rides at six flags, thinking I wouldn't and seeing him panic when I did, therefore he had to (have pictures if anyone wants). Competing with him playing basketball in the pool and winner choosing what the loser had to do. Muriel got on my case we I had him eat a Jalapeno pepper from the garden ;-) I could go on and on, but those are some that most of you haven't heard, including probably Shea.

M and M said...

Ok Shea, your turn ;-) Where do I start. One of the earliest memories is when you and Tony came to visit us when we were still building the house. You weren't Tony's girlfriend at the time, at least that is the story we kept hearing ;-) You and Tony were sleeping outside, since we only had the guest wing finished at the time. You were afraid to come in and use the bathroom at night without Tony coming with you holding the flashlight until you got in the house. Guess the bear stories and the coyotes howling got you thinking too much ;-) Another early memory is of us watching the movie scream and me sneaking up on you with the scream mask and scaring the @#*& out of you! If that wasn't enough I had a scream mask that was motion activated, planted in the bedroom and got you again when you went to bed. There are many more memories I could share, but not quite as funny.